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Image by Thomas Kelley

Image by Cameron Venti

Image by vivek kumar

Image by Thomas Kelley
Humpback Whale
Giant marine mammal, 12~16m long
Distinctive body shape, with unusually long fins
Bubble net hunt:
1. A group of them swim circularly to drive tons of fish into a small circular zone;
2. Produce bubbles as a bubble net to prevent the fish from escaping;
3. All together swallow tones of fish
Unusually long fins with leading-edge tubercles?
Apply tubercle technology to a hydrofoil

3D printed leading-edge sections
4 wavy leading-edge sections
4 smooth leading-edge sections
Support base part
CNC machined
Carbon fibre reinforced plastic
The performance of the hydrofoil can be dramatically enhanced by the tubercles
The lift coefficients were increased greatly
Foil with the shortest tubercle application length (1/4 of the span) at tip region overall displayed the best performance

A strong tip vortex cavitation can be produced by “0000”, smooth leading, while no cavitation can be observed under the same condition of “1111”.
Contra-rotating vortex fence can be produced by tubercles to prevent the spanwise flow.
Tip loss or three dimensional effect can be greatly lowered.

This concept is currently being applied to the following marine devices:
Tidal Turbine
Open Propeller
Control Surfaces (e.g. Rudder)
Propeller Duct

Cavitating tubercle turbine


Tidal turbine

Cavitating tubercle turbine
Featured Research Outcomes:
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar, R. Norman, S. Day and B. Aktas (2019). "Effect of waves on the leading-edge undulated tidal turbines." Renewable Energy 131: 435-447.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar and R. Norman (2017). "Detailed flow measurement of the field around tidal turbines with and without biomimetic leading-edge tubercles." Renewable Energy 111(111): 688-707.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar, R. Norman, B. Aktas and S. Turkmen (2016). "Numerical optimization and experimental validation for a tidal turbine blade with leading-edge tubercles." Renewable Energy 96: 42-55.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar, R. Rosli, B. Aktas and R. Norman (2016). "Cavitation observations and noise measurements of horizontal axis tidal turbines with biomimetic blade leading-edge designs." Ocean Engineering 121: 143-155.
Shi, W.*, R. Rosli, M. Atlar, R. Norman, D. Wang and W. Yang (2016). "Hydrodynamic performance evaluation of a tidal turbine with leading-edge tubercles." Ocean Engineering 117: 246-253.
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