Duct arrangement and method, Application number: GB2109275.4, EP21275089.7
A New Thermal Buoyancy Engine and its Control Method, UK Patent Application, Application number: GB2010890.8
Arrangements, duct arrangements and methods, Application number: GB2011396.5, EP20275123
Double-layer sealing and automatic dewatering sealing device for underwater rotating machinery, CN102588594A
Adjustable supporting device of underwater rotary machinery, CN203115436U
Bidirectional blade of horizontal axis tidal current energy generator, CN203114497U
Low-flow-rate no-load starting device for fans or tide power generation mechanisms, CN102536687A
Novel connecting structure for blade and wheel hub of fixed pitch stall regulated wind generating set, CN203114511U
Journal Papers (Access through: Researchgate; Google scholar):
Posa, A., R. Broglia, W. Shi and M. Felli (2025). "Comparison between the acoustic fields of conventional and tubercled propellers." Physics of Fluids 37(2).
Song, Y., W. Niu, W. Shi, H. Wu and Y. Xu (2025). "Optimal feedback control parameters for underwater gliders: Balancing energy efficiency and motion accuracy." Ocean Engineering 322.
Tadros, M., Z. Sun and W. Shi (2024). "Effect of Propeller Face Camber Ratio on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12(12): 2225.
(Editor's Pick) Posa, A., R. Broglia, W. Shi and M. Felli (2024). "Large eddy simulation of a marine propeller with leading edge tubercles." Physics of Fluids 36(11).
Tadros, M., W. Shi*, Y. Xu and Y. Song (2024). "A unified cross-series marine propeller design method based on machine learning." Ocean Engineering 314.
İlter, Y. K., U. O. Ünal, W. Shi, S. Tokgöz and M. Atlar (2024). "An experimental investigation into the drag reduction performance of dimpled plates in a fully turbulent channel flow." Ocean Engineering 307.
Arredondo-Galeana, A., A. Ermakov, W. Shi, J. V. Ringwood and F. Brennan (2024). "Optimal control of wave cycloidal rotors with passively morphing foils: An analytical and numerical study." Marine Structures 95.
Xu, Y., W. Shi, Y. Song and H. Hou (2024). "Hydrodynamics of a Remora-inspired autonomous underwater vehicle approaching and docking to a benchmark submarine." Ocean Engineering 291.
Hou, H., W. Shi, Y. Xu and Y. Song (2023). "Actuator disk theory and blade element momentum theory for the force-driven turbine." Ocean Engineering.
Song, Y., W. Shi, Y. Wang, H. Wu, S. Yang, H. Hou and Y. Xu (2023). "Evaluation of energy consumption and motion accuracy for underwater gliders based on quadrant analysis." Ocean Engineering 285.
Mei, L., W. Yan, J. Zhou, B. Guo, L. Cong and W. Shi (2023). "Propulsion characteristics of self-pitching flapping foil." Ocean Engineering 285.
Chen, S., S. Wang, R. Huang, W. Shi and F. Jing (2023). "Fast prediction of hydrodynamic load of floating horizontal axis tidal turbine with variable speed control under surging motion with free surface." Applied Ocean Research 135.
Hou, H., A. Arredondo Galeana, Y. Song, G. Xu, Y. Xu and W. Shi* (2023). "Design of a novel energy harvesting mechanism for underwater gliders using thermal buoyancy engines." Ocean Engineering 278: 114310.
Mei, L., W. Yan, J. Zhou and W. Shi (2023). "Thrust Enhancement of DTMB 5415 with Elastic Flapping Foil in Regular Head Waves." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11(3): 632.
Arredondo-Galeana, A., G. Olbert, W. Shi and F. Brennan (2023). "Near wake hydrodynamics and structural design of a single foil cycloidal rotor in regular waves." Renewable Energy.
Zhou, J., W. Yan, L. Mei and W. Shi (2023). "Performance of Semi-Active Flapping Hydrofoil with Arc Trajectory." Water.
Xu, G., S. Zhang and W. Shi (2023). "Instantaneous prediction of irregular ocean surface wave based on deep learning." Ocean Engineering 267.
Ravenna, R., S. Song, W. Shi, T. Sant, C. D. M. Muscat-Fenech, T. Tezdogan and Y. K. Demirel (2022). "CFD analysis of the effect of heterogeneous hull roughness on ship resistance." Ocean Engineering.
Zhou, J., W. Yan, L. Mei, L. Cong and W. Shi (2022). "Principal Parameters Analysis of Double Elastic Constraint Flapping-Hydrofoil for Tidal Current Energy Extraction." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
Falchi, M., F. Ortolani, W. Shi, C. Stark, G. Aloisio, S. Grizzi and G. Dubbioso (2022). "Experimental investigation on the effect of Leading Edge Tubercles on the Performance of Marine Propellers in fully wet condition." Ocean Engineering.
Stark, C., Y. Xu, M. Zhang, Z. Yuan, L. Tao and W. Shi* (2022). "Study on Applicability of Energy-Saving Devices to Hydrogen Fuel Cell-Powered Ships." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10(3): 388.
Xu, Y., W. Shi*, A. A. Galeana, L. Mei and Y. K. Demirel (2021). "Understanding of Remora's "Hitchhiking" Behaviour from a Hydrodynamic Point of View." Scientific Reports.
Stark, C., W. Shi* and M. Atlar (2021). "A numerical investigation into the influence of bio-inspired leading-edge tubercles on the hydrodynamic performance of a benchmark ducted propeller." Ocean Engineering.
Mei, L., J. Zhou, D. Yu, W. Shi, X. Pan and M. Li (2021). "Parametric Analysis for Underwater Flapping Foil Propulsor." Water.
Shi, W.*, M. Li and Z. Yuan (2020). "Investigation of the ship-seabed interaction with a high-fidelity CFD approach." Journal of Marine Science and Technology.
Carchen, A., S. Turkmen, B. Piaggio, W. Shi, N. Sasaki and M. Atlar (2020). "Investigation of the manoeuvrability characteristics of a Gate Rudder system using numerical, experimental, and full-scale techniques." Applied Ocean Research.
Soonseok Song, Yigit Kemal Demirel, Mehmet Atlar and W. Shi* (2020). "Prediction of the fouling penalty on the tidal turbine performance and development of its mitigation measures." Applied Energy 276.
Hou, H., M. Krajewski, Y. K. Ilter, S. Day, M. Atlar and W. Shi* (2020). "An experimental investigation of the impact of retrofitting an underwater stern foil on the resistance and motion." Ocean Engineering 205.
Utama, IKAP; Satrio, D; Mukhtasor,; Atlar, M; Shi, W; Hantoro, R; Thomas, G; (2020) Numerical Simulation of Foil with Leading-Edge Tubercle for Vertical-Axis Tidal-Current Turbine. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences
R. Rosli, W. Shi, B. Aktas, R. Norman, M. Atlar (2020). "Cavitation Observations, Underwater Radiated Noise Measurements and Full-Scale Predictions of the Hydro-Spinna Turbine." Ocean Engineering.
Guo, B., D. Wang, X. Zhou, W. Shi and F. Jing (2020). "Performance Evaluation of a Tidal Current Turbine with Bidirectional Symmetrical Foils." Water 12, 22.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar, R. Norman, S. Day and B. Aktas (2019). "Effect of waves on the leading-edge undulated tidal turbines." Renewable Energy 131: 435-447.
Rosli, R., W. Shi, B. Aktas, R. Norman and M. Atlar (2019). "Underwater radiated noise characteristic of the hydro-spinna tidal turbine under induced cavitation." International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 8(4): 415-421.
Guo, B., D. Wang, J. Zhou, W. Shi and X. Zhou (2019). "Performance evaluation of a submerged tidal energy device with a single mooring line." Ocean Engineering.
Liang, Y., W. Shi and L. Tao (2019). Hydrodynamics around a Deep-draft Semi-submersible with Biomimetic Tubercle Corner Design. 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Glasgow, ASME.
Xu, G., G. Zhao, J. Chen, S. Wang and W. Shi (2019). "The Numerical Analysis of the Flow on the Smooth and Nonsmooth Boundaries by IBEM/DBIEM." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019: 1-14.
Yang, F., Shi, W., & Wang, D. (2019). Systematic study on propulsive performance of tandem hydrofoils for a wave glider. Ocean Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.02.030
Yang, F., Shi, W., Zhou, X., Guo, B., & Wang, D. (2018). Numerical investigation of a wave glider in head seas. Ocean Engineering, 164, 127-138. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.06.017
Aktas, B., M. Atlar, P. Fitzsimmons and W. Shi (2018). "An advanced joint time-frequency analysis procedure to study cavitation-induced noise by using standard series propeller data." Ocean Engineering 170: 329-350.
Shi, W.*, B. Aktas, M. Atlar, D. Vasiljev and K. Seo (2017). "Stereoscopic PIV aided wake simulation of a catamaran research vessel using a dummy-hull model in a medium size cavitation tunnel." Journal of Marine Science and Technology 23(3): 507-520.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar and R. Norman (2017). "Detailed flow measurement of the field around tidal turbines with and without biomimetic leading-edge tubercles." Renewable Energy 111(111): 688-707.
Turkmen, S., B. Aktas, M. Atlar, N. Sasaki, R. Sampson and W. Shi (2017). "On-board measurement techniques to quantify underwater radiated noise level." Ocean Engineering 130: 166-175.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar, K. Seo, R. Norman and R. Rosli (2016). Numerical Simulation of a Tidal Turbine Based Hydrofoil with Leading-Edge Tubercles. 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2016. Busan, Korea, Proceedings of the ASME 2016.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar, R. Norman, B. Aktas and S. Turkmen (2016). "Numerical optimization and experimental validation for a tidal turbine blade with leading-edge tubercles." Renewable Energy 96: 42-55.
Shi, W.*, M. Atlar, R. Rosli, B. Aktas and R. Norman (2016). "Cavitation observations and noise measurements of horizontal axis tidal turbines with biomimetic blade leading-edge designs." Ocean Engineering 121: 143-155.
Shi, W.*, R. Rosli, M. Atlar, R. Norman, D. Wang and W. Yang (2016). "Hydrodynamic performance evaluation of a tidal turbine with leading-edge tubercles." Ocean Engineering 117: 246-253.
Shi, W.*, D. Wang, M. Atlar, B. Guo and K.-c. Seo (2015). "Optimal design of a thin-wall diffuser for performance improvement of a tidal energy system for an AUV." Ocean Engineering(108): 1-9.
Aktas, B., M. Atlar, S. Turkmen, W. Shi, R. Sampson, E. Korkut and P. Fitzsimmons (2015). "Propeller Cavitation Noise Investigations of a Research Vessel Using Medium Size Cavitation Tunnel Tests and Full-Scale Trials." Ocean Engineering.
Shi, W.*, D. Wang, M. Atlar and K.-c. Seo (2013). "Flow separation impacts on the hydrodynamic performance analysis of a marine current turbine using CFD." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 227(8)(8): 833–846.
Butterworth, J., M. Atlar and W. Shi* (2015). "Experimental analysis of an air cavity concept applied on a ship hull to improve the hull resistance." Ocean Engineering 110, Part B: 2-10.
Shi, W.*, D. Wang, M. Atlar and D. Wang (2013). "Similarity Laws and Model Test Approaches to Determine Hydrodynamic Performance of A Marine Turbine." Manufacturing Process and Equipment, Pts 1-4 694-697: 665-672.
Wang, D., Wang, D., Mei, L. and Shi, W. (2013) "The hydrodynamic analysis of propeller based on ANSYS-CFX." Advanced Materials Research, 694-697, pp. 673-677.
Book Chapters
Shi, W., Atlar, M., Norman, R., 2018. Learning from Humpback Whales for Improving the Energy Capturing Performance of Tidal Turbine Blades, in: Ölçer, A.I., Kitada, M., Dalaklis, D., Ballini, F. (Eds.), Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 479-497.
Selected Contributions for international conferences
Xu, Y., W. Shi and Y. Song (2024). Coupled Analysis of an Remora-Inspired AUV Docking to a Submarine During Recovery Process. the ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Singapore.
Tadros, M., Y. Xu, T. K. Das and W. Shi (2024). RETROFITTING PROPELLER PROCEDURE FOR A HYDROGEN FUELED OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSEL. the ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Singapore.
Ilter, Z. T., M. Tadros, Y. K. Ilter, Y. Xu and W. Shi (2024). Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Ship Propulsion Systems through Tubercle Assisted Propellers: A Full-scale CFD Study. TRA 2024, Transport Research Arena. Dublin.
Shi, W., M. Tadros, D. Gomez, M. Nurnberg, B. Friedhoff, M. Felli, A. Eslamdoost, A. Aubert and A. Flori (2024). Development of Energy Efficient Solutions for Hydrogen Powered Vessels: RESHIP project. TRA 2024, Transport Research Arena. Dublin.
İlter, Y. K., U. O. Ünal, W. Shi, S. Tokgöz and M. Atlar (2023). AN EXPERIMENTAL METHOD TO PREDICT THE DRAG REDUCTION PERFORMANCE OF DIMPLED PLATES IN A FULLY TURBULENT CHANNEL FLOW. The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry. Istanbul, Turkey.
Townley, B., W. Shi, Q. Xiao, A. Angeloudis, I. Ashton and B. Wray (2023). Investigating the impact of multi-rotor structure shadowing on tidal stream turbine. THE 15TH EUROPEAN WAVE AND TIDAL ENERGY CONFERENCE. BILBAO, Spain.
Zhang, M., Z.-M. Yuan, L. Tao and W. Shi (2023). A Novel Conceptual Design of Modularised Offshore Green Hydrogen System. 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Melbourne, Australia.
Arredondo-Galeana, A., P. Lamont-Kane, W. Shi, M. Folley and F. Brennan (2023). A probabilistic framework for fatigue damage of lift based wave energy converters. THE 15TH EUROPEAN WAVE AND TIDAL ENERGY CONFERENCE. Bilbao, Spain.
Stark, C., W. Shi, Y. Xu and M. Troll (2022). MARINE DUCTED THRUSTER UNDERWATER RADIATED NOISE CONTROL THROUGH LEADING-EDGE TUBERCLE BLADE MODIFICATIONS - A NUMERICAL HYBRID APPROACH. 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Xu, Y., W. Shi and C. Stark (2022). HYDRODYNAMIC INVESTIGATION OF A REMORA-INSPIRED AUTONOMOUS UNDERWATER VEHICLE DOCKING ONTO A BENCHMARK SUBMARINE. 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Troll, M., W. Shi and C. Stark (2022). LEADING-EDGE TUBERCLES APPLIED ONTO A FLAPPED RUDDER. 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
RAVENNA, R., S. SONG, W. SHI, T. SANT, C. D. M. MUSCAT-FENECH and Y. K. DEMIREL (2021). CFD Analysis of the Effect of Heterogeneous Hull Roughness on Ship Resistance 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SHIP AND MARINE TECHNOLOGY. Istanbul.
Arredondo-Galeana, A., W. Shi, G. Olbert, M. Scharf, A. Ermakov, J. V. Ringwood and F. Brennan (2021). A methodology for the structural design of LiftWEC: A wave-bladed cyclorotor. 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC). Plymouth.
Stark, C. and W. Shi (2021). The Influence of Leading-edge Tubercles on the Sheet Cavitation Development of A Benchmark Marine Propeller, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2021, Online.
Stark, C. and W. Shi (2021). The Influence of Leading-edge Tubercles on the Hydrodynamic Performance and Propeller Wake Flow Development of a Ducted Propeller The Thirty-first (2021) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference: ISOPE-2021.
Troll, M. M. F., W. Shi and C. Stark (2021). The Influence of Leading-Edge Tubercles on Wake Flow Dynamics of a Marine Rudder. 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering: MARINE 2021. Edinburgh, UK.
Xu, Y., W. Shi and A. Arredongo-Galeana (2021). Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Remora’s Symbiotic Relationships. 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering: MARINE 2021. Edinburgh, UK.
Atlar, M., P. Fitzsimmons, P. Zoet, M. Troll, C. Stark, S. Sezen, W. Shi, B. Aktas, N. Sasaki, S. Turkmen and D. Taylor (2021). Underwater Noise Measurements with a Ship retrofitted with PressurePores Noise Mitigation Technology and using HyDrone System 11th International Symposium on Cavitation, CAV2021 Daejon, Korea
Troll, M., W. Shi, M. Atlar, M. Cocard and S. Day (2019). Retrofitting leading-edge tubercles onto a sailing dinghy hydrofoil using 3d printing technology The 6th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry, AMT’19. Rome, Italy.
Krajewski, M., W. Shi, H. Hou, S. Day and M. Atlar (2019). An experimental investigation of the impact of retrofitting an underwater stern foil on the resistance and motion The 6th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry, AMT’19. Rome, Italy.
Marino, A., Y. K. Ilter, S. Song, W. Shi, M. Atlar and Y. K. Demirel (2019). Design specification, commission and calibration of the university of Strathclyde’s fully turbulent flow channel (FTFC) facility. AMT'19, Rome, Italy.
Song, S., W. Shi, Y. K. Demirel and M. Atlar (2019). The effect of biofouling on the tidal turbine performance. Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B. Boston, USA.
McDowell, J., P. Jeffcoate, L. Johanning, T. Bruce and W. Shi (2019). Increasing the Accuracy of Initial Feasibility Studies - Utilising Numerical Models to Estimate the LCoE of Floating Tidal Energy Platforms. Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B. Boston, United States.
Shi, W., et al. (2017). Learning from humpback whales for improving the energy capturing performance of tidal turbine blades. MARENER 2017. Malmo, Sweden.
Shi, W., et al. (2017). Humpback whale inspired design for tidal turbine blades. Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, SMP'17. Espoo, Finland.
Shi, W., et al. (2017). Experimental Practise of Unsteady Tidal Turbine Testing in Kelvin Hydrodynamic Lab, AMT'17. Glasgow, U.K.
Shi, W., et al. (2017). An Experimental Methodology for the Measurement of Unsteady Loads of Wind Turbine Rotor in a Towing Tank, AMT'17. Glasgow, U.K.
Shi, W., M. Atlar, R. Norman, B. Aktas and S. Turkmen (2015). "Biomimetic improvement for a tidal turbine blade. " EWTEC 2015. Nantes, France. 07B3-5: 01-05.
Shi, W., M. Atlar, R. Norman and K.-c. Seo (2014). "CFD investigations on leading-edge tubercles as applied on a tidal turbine blade. " GRAND RENEWABLE ENERGY 2014. Tokyo, Japan. P-Oc-1-12.
Shi, W., R. Rosli, M. Atlar, R. Norman, D. Wang and W. Yang (2015). "Hydrodynamic performance of a biomimetically improved tidal turbine blade. " AMT 15. Istanbul, Turkey.
Fan, M., B. Aktas, W. Shi, N. Sasaki, P. Fitzsimmons and M. Atlar (2018). Remedial Solutions to Control Excessive Propeller Induced Hull Vibrations on a Landing Craft. INEC 2018. Glasgow.
Yang, F., Shi, W., Zhou, X., Luo, X., Wang, D., 2017. Numerical Investigation of Wave Glider in the Longitude Profile, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’17), Glasgow, U.K.
Carchen, A., W. Shi, N. Sasaki and M. Atlar (2016). "A prediction program of manoeuvrability for a ship with a Gate Rudder system. " A. Yücel Odabaşı Colloquium Series - 2nd International Meeting on Recent Advances in Prediction Techniques for Safe Manoeuvring of Ships and Submarines. Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosli, R., Shi, W., Norman, R. and Atlar, M. (2015) "Cavitation tunnel investigation on the performance cavitation pressure pulses noise of the hydro-spinna turbine, " AMT2015. Istanbul, Turkey.
Turkmen, S., B. Aktas, M. Atlar, N. Sasaki, R. Sampson, W. Shi and P. Fitzsimmons (2015). "On-board measurement techniques to quantify underwater radiated noise level." AMT 2015. Istanbul.
Zoet, P., S. Turkmen, P. Kellett, B. Aktas, R. Sampson, W. Shi, M. Atlar and O. Turan (2015). "On board structure borne noise measurements and underwater radiated noise." AMT 2015. Istanbul.
Sampson, R., Turkmen, S., Aktas, B., Shi, W., Fitzsimmons, P. and Atlar, M. (2015) "On the full scale and model scale cavitation comparisons of a Deep-V catamaran research vessel. " Fourth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, SMP 15. Austin, Texas, USA.
Aktas, B., Atlar, M., Fitzsimmons, P., Shi, W., Turkmen, S. and Sasaki, N. (2015) "Systematic cavitation tunnel tests for cavitation noise prediction of commercial ships using a standard series approach. " AMT 2015. Istanbul, Turkey.
Guo, B., Wang, D. and Shi, W. (2015) "Power output performance characteristics of bidirectional tidal current turbine in a circulating water channel." AMT 2015. Istanbul, Turkey.